Go Ahead, Happily Sip Your Cup of Java!

Good Morning & Happy Monday, Everyone!

It's Monday, so that cup of java probably sounds better than ever right now! Well, good news for you, that cup is full of benefits, like protecting against disease and improving heart health.

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Maybe you are a morning person, but many people wake up groggy until they have their first cup of coffee in the morning. Maybe even grumpy!!! Did you know that coffee is a mood booster? Along with a temporary  rise in your mood  shortly after your heavenly sip, several studies from the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry have indicated that coffee can help prevent mild to moderate depression — a disorder that affects 15 percent of people in high-income nations!

Although depression often appears to be a result of low serotonin levels in the brain, a new hypothesis is on the horizon. This hypothesis suggests that depression is a result of a bad immune reaction that causes inflammation to the brain. Being  packed with antioxidants, coffee naturally helps alleviate this kind of inflammation.

An analysis of 12 studies looked at the relationship between caffeine and depression, in 346,913 individuals and 8,146 cases of depression. The study concluded that caffeine, particularly in coffee, had a protective effect in preventing depression.

Protection Against Cancer and Disease....

Compared to people who avoid coffee, those who drink at least two cups a day are 80 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver (even if they drink alcohol), half as likely to have gallstones, and 25 percent less apt to get colon cancer. Coffee is also protective against cancer of the liver and kidneys, and although it's long been suspected of increasing risk of breast cancer, a recent study spanning 22 years and involving nearly 86,000 women found a weak inverse association between the two in postmenopausal females. ​

Other Helpful Benefits....

Although many believe that caffeine is bad for your heart, recent research proves otherwise. In 2015 Harvard conducted a study proving that those who drink several cups of coffee per day are less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke. Coffee improves concentration and alertness, boosts mood, and decreases suicide risk. In fact, just the smell of coffee relieves stress in animals. This popular drink also controls asthma and can even halt a full-blown attack in its tracks. Additionally, coffee can stop migraine headaches, curb appetite & prevent tooth decay. And if you drink it before working out, your endurance will improve and you'll have less exercise-induced muscle pain.

What Makes Coffee So Healthful?

So what is it in coffee that provides such remarkable benefits? First, that cup of java is a terrific source of protective antioxidants. Researchers evaluating both the antioxidant levels of various foods and drinks and the frequency with which those items are consumed have found that the average amount of coffee consumed by American adults per day- 1.64 cups- provides 1,299 mg of antioxidants. Tea, the second richest source, supplied only 294 mg, followed by antioxidant-rich (but sparingly eaten) fruits and vegetables, which provide fewer than 75 mg each of antioxidants per day. Believe it or not, coffee even contains fiber- nearly 2 g per cup. Japanese studies have shown a reduction in colon cancer by those who consume coffee.

But these aren't the only components that make coffee a drink to consider. In addition to perking up the nervous system, caffeine increases the activity of the neurotransmitter dopamine and enhances delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and brain.

So, the next time you feel like a cup of Joe, indulge yourself. It's a good way to boost your mood, your energy, and your overall health. It is important stay away from the ones that are loading with artificial sweeteners and some of the cappuccino-type drinks also have hydrogenated oils (BAD!). Of course, organic coffee is always the best choice to avoid pesticides.