Yes, Coffee is Good for you!
Clients coming into Abundant Life Wellness might be surprised to see that Dr. Nelson may be drinking a cup of coffee. Doesn't it increase the body's acidity? Aren't health-conscious people supposed to drink tea instead? Isn't caffeine bad for you? Although, yes, it is true that coffee is an acidic drink, there are many health benefits to consider. And remember, just because something is acidic, doesn't necessarily mean it is bad for you - only if your body PH is acidic on a regular basis. Salmon, for instance is also acidic, but it is loaded with omegas that are so beneficial to our hearts and brain.
If coffee were harmful, then every morning emergency rooms around the world would be choked with people suffering the ill effects of our favorite breakfast beverage. Of course, this isn't the case. Coffee is not harmful. On the contrary, it has many health benefits, and hundreds of studies to back it up.
Protection Against Parkinson's....
Research shows that drinking coffee reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease by as much as 80 percent and protects against other neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Dementia. It increases insulin sensitivity, and a high intake - at least six cups a day - lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes by 54 percent in men and 30 percent in women. Remember to sweeten your coffee with stevia or xylitol. Many of the fancy coffee shoppes sweeten with high fructose corn syrup or aspartame, which are horrible additives that lead to weight gain and cancer.
Increased Longevity....
Additionally, coffee may even increase longevity. A large 2008 study found that drinking up to six cups of regular or decaffeinated coffee daily is associated with a slightly lower risk of death from heart disease, cancer, and other causes.
Protection Against Cancer and Disease....
Compared to people who avoid coffee, those who drink at least two cups a day are 80 percent less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver (even if they drink alcohol), half as likely to have gallstones, and 25 percent less apt to get colon cancer. Coffee is also protective against cancer of the liver and kidneys, and although it's long been suspected of increasing risk of breast cancer, a recent study spanning 22 years and involving nearly 86,000 women found a weak inverse association between the two in postmenopausal females.
Good For Your Heart....
Although many believe that caffeine is bad for your heart, recent research proves otherwise. In 2015 Harvard conducted a study proving that those who drink 3 - 5 cups of coffee per day are less likely to die of a heart attack or stroke.
Other Awesome Benefits....