The medical definition of autism is broad, to include any developmental disabilities that can be traced back to brain abnormalities. It dis-proportionally affects boys, is almost non-existent in the Amish community, and is often diagnosed around the age of three.
Most Americans touched by autism are most concerned with mitigating or controlling the symptoms. Autism affects communication, use of language and interpersonal relationships. About one third of people diagnosed with autism remain non-verbal. Symptoms, which can be mild or severe in each case, include:
• Delayed speech and language development
• Difficulty forming friendships
• Inability to recognize sarcasm
• Not recognizing or responding to waves or other friendly gestures
• Extreme sensitivity to touch, light and sound
• Aggressive behaviors with self and others
• Strict adherence to routines and rituals
If you think your child displays signs of autism, you should have him evaluated by a medical professional. A definitive diagnosis is very important.
Natural Treatment for Autism
Vitamins are not a cure for autism; but can surely help in many cases. Scientists are still investigating what causes the brain abnormality that results in a variety of developmental and behavioral disabilities we group together as the autism spectrum.
One fact that recently emerged from autism brain research is that levels of Vitamin B’s in the brain are noticeably lower in people with autism and schizophrenia. Age-appropriate levels of Vitamin B’s may be present in the blood, but the brain is depleted of this nutrient.
Vitamin B’s are considered anti-stress vitamins, but a lack of B’s in young children can also affect brain development. Children who lack problem-solving skills and do not understand relationship cues tend to experience more stress than other children.
A Case Study
The mother of a boy who was diagnosed with autism at age four noticed behavioral issues in her son that could have become debilitating. He was acting out his frustrations, causing danger to himself and those around him. His inability to understand social cues made him unpopular at school, and he began to show aggression.
In her search for a safe and natural remedy for her son’s anger issues, this mother found information on Stress Calming Factors, which contains the proper balance of B Complexes. As she puts it, the results were like night and day for her son. He was calm and engaged at school, and happy! He graduated high school with honors, and lots of friends.
How the B Vitamins Work
Vitamin B is actually a complex of different substances that work together in the body. B12 is the one usually singled out for its anti-stress properties, but it cannot act alone. When you add a B vitamin supplement to your diet, you need the whole spectrum of B vitamins. Taking just B12 alone will not have the desired affect, and it will deplete your body of other B vitamins. It is imperative to take a properly balanced B Complex for optimum absorption to avoid depletion of certain B Vitamins.
A properly balanced Vitamin B complex is considered a natural treatment depression and anxiety and any types of illnesses that were brought on by stress. Dr. Valerie Nelson Stress Calming Factors is the perfect combination. It is recommended by several of her clients who can see the difference in behavior for their autistic loved ones. Stress Calming Factors is also great for cardiovascular system, mood swings, the everyday stresses of life, brain function, the endocrine system and nerve pain.