A 3 Step Approach to Combatting Candida Naturally
If you’ve ever had a yeast infection, you know yeast is a problem. But did you realize that recurring yeast infections, thrush or skin fungal infections can also be the result of an imbalance of candida? A combination of digestive issues and signs of a weakened immune system can point to a chronic problem with candida and yeast that needs a serious solution.
The Pros and Cons of Candida
Your belly relies on a group of micro-organisms to help break down food into elements your body can use as nutrients or discard as waste. Candida is a fungus that naturally occurs in the digestive tract to participate in the digestive process. Without these friendly fungi, digestion could not take place.
A form of yeast, candida is helpful until it gets out of control. When the delicate balance in your belly is disrupted by an overgrowth of candida, bad things happen. The familiar symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection include itching, painful intercourse, swelling, pain and an unusual discharge, but many people don’t realize that candida and yeast symptoms can manifest in so many different ways.
In addition to a vaginal yeast infection, an overgrowth of candida can disrupt your digestive and immune systems. Signs your balance of digestive microorganisms is off can include recurring athlete’s foot or toenail fungal infections, chronic fatigue, strong cravings for sugar, chronic allergy symptoms, digestive issues; inability to lose weight; skin problems and urinary tract infections.
Getting Candida Under Control
The body naturally seeks homeostasis, but when it comes to candida it may need some help restoring a healthy balance. An overgrowth of yeast can become a self-perpetuating problem. Common causes of a yeast infection include antibiotics which kill off the bad bacteria and take too many of the good ones with them. Too much sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates can also alter the environment in your digestive tract by encouraging candida to multiply too quickly.
1. The first step in an effective yeast infection treatment is to improve digestion. The longer food sits in your digestive tract, the more damage it can cause. Rotting food gives candida a place to breed and fuel to grow faster and stronger. Taking a good comprehensive multi enzyme such as Intestinal Enhancer, will help break down these foods much quicker.
2. Step two is to perform a yeast cleanse. Yeast cells multiply faster than rabbits. If you don’t clear out that excess candida, it will continue to affect your digestive and immune systems. A healing candida cleanse kills off an abundance of candida that are causing you harm. The best candida cleanse is Candida Fungus Fighters.
3. The third step is the most obvious. The most common yeast infection treatment is adding a high quality professional strength probiotic to your system. It is important to replenish the friendly micro-organisms in your belly so they can maintain a healthy balance. A broad spectrum of strong probiotics are needed to keep the yeast in check. We recommend one that is at least 65 billion CFU per serving. The Dr. Valerie Nelson Professional Probiotic is the one that we recommend.
Candida is a persistent fungus that will continue to multiply out of control if you let it. This 3 step approach to reducing the overgrowth of yeast can clear up your candida and yeast issues. Yeast infection treatments that don’t work for the long haul only focus on one part of the solution.
If you are struggling with chronic candida issues, knock them out with Dr. Valerie’s Digestion Pack, the natural 3 step solution to fighting yeast infections systemically.